Nicotine pouches burning my gums

Nicotine pouches are small white pouches (like chewing gum) that contain nicotine. You use them by placing them between your lip and gum for 20 to 30 minutes. Nicotine is a harmful substance that causes addiction. Nicotine pouches cause gum damage and this article gives you an overview of nicotine burn, how to avoid it, and how to cure it. This article will also give reasons why nicotine pouches burn and why does dip burns my gums. The main reasons that cause burn from nicotine pouches are high nicotine content, alkaline pH levels, presence of chemical irritants, physical irritation from the pouch, prolonged duration and high frequency of use, individual sensitivity of the gums, and pre-existing oral health conditions. Read on to find out all the details about burns from the nicotine pouch.

1. High nicotine content

High nicotine content means a higher nicotine content of nicotine pouches than you are used to. That causes a burning sensation in the gums.

Higher nicotine content causes a burning sensation on the gums due to the acidity of nicotine. Everyone’s oral mucosa and gums have different sensitivity and resistance to acidic substances. When the nicotine content is too high for you then the acidic content causes the burning sensation reaction on your gums.

To avoid burning sensation caused by high nicotine content make sure that the nicotine pouches you use are of the same strength.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by high nicotine content take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to a normal state and stay hydrated. 

Read on to find out how alkaline pH levels influence the burning sensation of the gums.

2. Alkaline pH levels

Alkaline pH levels mean that the higher the pH levels the higher the nicotine and other substances from the nicotine pouch get released and enter your body.

Alkaline pH levels cause a burning sensation on the gums due to the acidity of the nicotine pouch. Everyone’s oral mucosa and gums have different sensitivity and resistance to acidic substances. When the alkaline pH levels are too high then the acidic content of the nicotine pouch impacts your gums faster and that causes the burning sensation of the gums.

To avoid burning sensation caused by alkaline pH levels research the pH levels of chosen nicotine pouches. There are also tests available for testing the pH levels of different substances.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by alkaline pH levels take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to a normal state, eat food rich in antioxidants, and stay hydrated. 

Read on to find out how the presence of chemical irritants influences the burning sensation of the gums.

3. Presence of chemical irritants

The presence of chemical irritants means that a nicotine pouch contains materials that cause reversible inflammation or irritation to the gums (rest of the body as well) and that causes the burning sensation on the gums.

The presence of chemical irritants content causes a burning sensation in the gums due to the chemical structure of nicotine. Nicotine is considered carcinogenic (causes cancer) and genotoxic (causes harm to the DNA) and that is the chemical irritation that it causes.

To avoid a burning sensation caused by the presence of chemical irritants make sure what are the ingredients in the nicotine pouches and if you have had any bad reaction to any of the ingredients.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by the presence of chemical irritants take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to normal state and stay hydrated. 

Read on to find out how physical irritation for the pouch influences the burning sensation of the gums.

4. Physical irritation from the pouch

Physical irritation from the pouch means that the physical state of the nicotine pouch irritates your mouth and that causes the burning feeling on the gums.

Physical irritation from the pouch causes a burning sensation on the gums due to the fact that it is physically irritating for the gums to keep the nicotine pouch in the mouth (uncomfortable, too big). Everyone’s oral mucosa and gums have different sensitivity and resistance to acidic substances. Physical irritation from the pouch can cause slight inflammation and that makes you more sensitive to the nicotine pouch which leads to the burning sensation of the gums.

To avoid a burning sensation caused by physical irritation from the pouch, make sure that the nicotine pouch feels comfortable in your mouth, and switch to smaller pouches.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by physical irritation from the pouch, take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to a normal state and stay hydrated, also eat food rich in antioxidants. 

Read on to find out how prolonged duration and high frequency of use influence the burning sensation of the gums.

5. Prolonged duration and high frequency of use

Prolonged duration and high frequency of use mean that you use nicotine pouches for too long (more than 60 minutes) and too often (no one-hour break in between) and the prolonged contact with nicotine pouches causes the burning sensation of the gums.

Prolonged duration and high frequency of use cause a burning sensation on the gums due to prolonged contact time with the gums. Oral mucosa and gums have resistance to acidic substances and eventually fail. When the protective layer of the gums gets damaged then that causes the burning sensation of the gums.

To avoid a burning sensation caused by prolonged duration and high frequency of use make sure that you take at least 1 hour-long pauses between using nicotine pouches also do not keep nicotine pouches in your mouth for too long, the recommended time period is 30 minutes.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by prolonged duration and high frequency of use take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to the normal state and stay hydrated, also eat food rich in antioxidants. 

Read on to find out how individual sensitivity of the gums influences the burning sensation of the gums.

6. Individual sensitivity of the gums

Individual sensitivity of the gums means that some people’s gums are more sensitive to nicotine pouch ingredients and get a burning sensation of gums due to that. A person with higher sensitivity will not get a burning sensation in the gums.

Individual sensitivity of the gums content causes a burning sensation on the gums due to a stronger reaction to nicotine. Everyone’s oral mucosa and gums have different sensitivity and resistance to acidic substances. When the nicotine content is too high for your personal gum sensitivity then the acidic content causes a burning sensation reaction on your gums faster.

To avoid a burning sensation caused by individual sensitivity of the gums make sure that the nicotine pouches you use are milder and also check all the ingredients of the nicotine pouch to make sure you are not sensitive to those.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by individual sensitivity of the gums take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so the sensitivity of the gums can return to normal state and stay hydrated. Eating foods rich in antioxidants is helpful in supporting your body’s healing process. 

Read on to find out how pre-existing oral health conditions influence the burning sensation of the gums.

7. Pre-existing oral health conditions

Pre-existing oral health conditions mean that due to underlying health issues, you are more sensitive to nicotine pouches. Since there are problems with oral health you are more sensitive to the impacts of nicotine pouches.

Pre-existing oral health conditions cause a burning sensation on the gums due to the fact that you have a lesser tolerance to nicotine pouches due to the damage to your immune system. Everyone’s oral mucosa and gums have different sensitivity and resistance to acidic substances. When the nicotine content is too high for you due to the lessened tolerance then the acidic content causes the burning sensation reaction on your gums.

To avoid a burning sensation caused by pre-existing oral health conditions try to use nicotine pouches that contain less nicotine and no mint.

To remedy the burning sensation caused by pre-existing oral health conditions take longer pauses between nicotine pouches so your sensitivity of gums can return to the normal state and stay hydrated, also eating foods rich with antioxidants might help. 

Read on to find out what to do to burn gums from nicotine pouches.

What to do about burning gums from nicotine patches?

You should perform the following activities with burning gum from nicotine pouches:

  • Break: To help your gums recover take a break from using nicotine pouches:
  • Antioxidants: Eat foods rich with antioxidants to help your gums recover faster.
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated so your body has faster healing from the damage to the gums.
  • Less nicotine: Switch to less nicotine-containing nicotine pouches.
  • Check ingredients: Check the ingredients of the nicotine pouch to make sure you are not allergic to any of them.
  • Switch flavor: Mint-containing nicotine pouches make the gums more sensitive and receptive to damage.
  • Switch brands: The nicotine pouch content might not suit you so it would be a good idea to try a different brand for a change. 

Read on to find out what nicotine pouches contain.

What do Nicotine Pouches Contain? 

Nicotine pouches contain:

  • Nicotine: Nicotine pouches contain nicotine salt that is extracted from tobacco leaves to deliver a nicotine buzz.
  • Stabilizers: Nicotine pouches contain stabilizers to maintain pouch consistency.
  • Fillers: Nicotine pouches contain fillers to add bulk to nicotine pouches so they would be comfortable and easy to use.
  • Flavorings: Nicotine pouches contain flavorings to give the taste to nicotine pouches.
  • Sweeteners: Nicotine pouches contain sweeteners to enhance the flavors.
  • PH adjusters: Nicotine pouches contain PH adjusters to adjust pH levels. The absorption of nicotine in nicotine pouches is dependent on the pH of them. A high pH means higher nicotine absorption and a lower pH lesser absorption. pH adjusters determine the strength of the pouch.

Read on to find out if nicotine pouches are unsafe for gums.

Are Nicotine Pouches Unsafe for Gums?

Yes, nicotine pouches are not safe for your gums. The sheer amount of nicotine that is harmful to your overall health is also harmful to your gums. The nicotine pouches can cause gum sensitivity, inflammation, cancer, or other problems for your gums.

Read on to find out how long nicotine pouches can stay in your mouth.

How long can you leave the nicotine pouches in your mouth?

A nicotine pouch can stay in your mouth for 20 to 30 minutes. The length of the time depends on the size of the pouch. The bigger nicotine pouches take longer to release the nicotine. The maximum time to let it stay in your mouth is 60 minutes. After that period the pouch material will start to dissolve into the mouth. Nicotine burn is more likely to happen the longer you keep it in your mouth because then the nicotine will have a longer time to cause a reaction from the gums.

Read on to find out how much should be your daily nicotine pouch intake.

How many nicotine pouches should you use in a day?

The amount of nicotine pouches you should use each day depends on your weight, metabolism, and nicotine tolerance. To avoid overdosing with nicotine consumption it is recommended to avoid exceeding 0.3 mg of nicotine per kilogram. It is also important to remember that only 10-20% of nicotine in the pouches makes it into the bloodstream. It is above this limit that the symptoms of physical problems appear. For a 165 lb. (75 kg) person with average nicotine receptors, the maximum number would be:

Maximum nicotine amount is:

Weight (kg) * 0,3 = maximum nicotine per day mg

75 * 0.3 =22.5 mg

One nicotine pouch with 12 mg/g of nicotine content and a weight of 0.7g includes:

Nicotine content mg/g * weight g = nicotine weight per pouch

12mg/g*0.7g= 8.4 mg of nicotine

Into the system:

10%  =8.4mg*0.1=0.84mg

20% =8.4mg*0.2=1.68mg

Maximum amount of nicotine pouches per day:

10%:       22.5mg /0.84mg= 27

20%:       22.5mg/1.68mg= 13

To know how many nicotine pouches should be your daily nicotine intake you need to do the calculations according to your weight and the nicotine pouch type you use.

Read on to find out what gum diseases you can get from nicotine pouches.

What gum diseases can you get from a nicotine pouch?

Some gum diseases that you can develop from the use of nicotine pouches are listed below (there are also other health effects of nicotine pouches to consider):

  • Periodontal inflammation: Nicotine interacts with host cells and affects inflammatory responses to microbial challenges; it means that nicotine causes changes (biological and chemical) in the dental region that cause inflammation.
  • Penetration of nitrosamines: Nicotine content causes the dental region to let through more nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are carcinogenic (cause cancer) and genotoxic (cause harm to the DNA). Those nitrosamine damage gums in different ways depending on your body’s state (biology, physiology, chemistry).
  • Allergic reaction on gums: Nicotine pouches consist of different substances and a lot of people may have an allergic reaction to one or more of the ingredients.
  • Cancer: Nicotine pouches can cause cancer in the gums or overall reaction due to the ingredients being carcinogenic (causing cancer) to some people. 
  • Sensitivity of gums: Due to the acidic content of nicotine pouches they can cause the sensitivity of gum due to the fact that the oral mucosa gets damaged by the acidity of the nicotine pouches.

Now that you are aware that nicotine pouches cause gum damage read on to find out whether the mint flavor contributes to the burning gums.

Can the Mint Flavor Contribute to Burning Gums?

Yes, mint flavor can contribute to the burning gums. The reason for that is that taste receptors in the mount sense mint and react to it. The receptor with which it interacts is TRP-VR1 and it causes the signal that goes into your brain to distorted and say that it senses burning. There is also an option that your body reacts badly to mint, is more sensitive, and that irritates and causes the feeling of burning of the gums. 

Read on to find out about the difference between nicotine pouches and snus.

What is the Difference Between a Nicotine Pouch and Snus?

The difference between nicotine pouch and snus is the tobacco content. Nicotine pouches are tobacco free but snus contains tobacco. Tobacco content makes snus more harmful to your health. Firstly, tobacco content makes snus stain your teeth brownish. It also is more acidic and harms your mouth lining and gums. Tobacco content means that snus needs to be stored at a lower temperature. Nicotine pouches can be stored at room temperature.