Choosing the Right Nicotine Strength

Nicotine is an addictive stimulus (alerting agent) and anxiolytic(anti-panic, anti-anxiety agent)  liquid drug. It means it makes the person more attentive and relieves anxiety, panic at the same time. When choosing the correct nicotine strength, think of your past habits (how much nicotine do you consume) and your body’s tolerance to nicotine.

 It is important to choose the right nicotine strength for health reasons, it is an addictive drug. The level of nicotine needs to be so strong that you will not constantly crave for a new nicotine pouch and weak enough to avoid health problems. Snusboss offers a large variety of nicotine pouches with different strengths to find the right nicotine strength for you.

Listed below are the steps on how to choose the right nicotine strength. 

  1. Study the difference between pouches and cigarettes. To be aware of how much nicotine you actually consume. By using different nicotine products your body actually consumes different percentages of nicotine than what is written on the package,
  2. Review nicotine pouches that may have an impact on nicotine strength. This step means that although the nicotine content on the package may be the same on two different products but feel and consume a different amount of it. This step gives a better understanding of the nicotine absorption into your body.
  3. Determine the nicotine level to use based on smoking habits. This step helps you understand your body’s tolerance of nicotine. Different people react to the same amount of nicotine differently.
  4. Observe the effects of chosen nicotine strength on your body. This step helps you avoid and solve health problems caused by nicotine. Everyone reacts to nicotine differently and it is important to know your tolerance to keep your health.

1. Study the difference between Pouches and Cigarettes

Study the difference between pouches and cigarettes . It means finding out how much nicotine you consume from these products.  It is a necessary step for understanding how much nicotine you consume so it would not be too much (health hazards) or too little (gives the feeling of pleasure). The obstacles of it can be calculating how much nicotine you actually consume, you do not consume the amount of nicotine shown on the packets. You need to use different formulas to make the comparison. It is the best way for choosing the right nicotine strength because it helps you to do it in an objective and calculated way.

2. Review Nicotine Pouches that may have an Impact on Nicotine Strength.

Review nicotine pouches that may have an impact on nicotine strength. This means that the perceived strength can be different although the nicotine strength written on the package is the same. Perceived strength can be influenced by moisture content, PH levels and flavors. High moisture helps the nicotine to be absorbed into the body quicker, so nicotine pouches feel stronger when they are moisture. The higher the PH level the more nicotine is absorbed so that also makes it feel stronger. Flavors like menthol, mint, eucalyptus and jalapeno are strength increasing. This step is important in order to get the best flavor experience. The obstacles of this step may be that you do not really know exactly the perceived strength increase that comes from these factors. This is the best way because then the perceived strength increase will not be an unexpected surprise and you get the flavor experience you were looking for.

3. Determine the Nicotine Level to use Based on Smoking Habits

Determine the nicotine level to use based on smoking habits. That means that you chose the level of nicotine that you want to consume based on the nicotine that you consumed by using other nicotine products. It is necessary to determine the nicotine level to use based on smoking habits so you would still feel the “high” without consuming too much nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance that has health hazards. The obstacles of this step may be calculating the amount of nicotine that you consumed before, because you do not consume the amount of nicotine shown on the product’s package. It is the best way for choosing the right nicotine strength because it helps you to do it in a calculated and objective way.

4. Observe the Effects of Chosen Nicotine Strength on Your Body

Observe the effects of chosen nicotine strength on your body. It means noticing out of the normal changes in your body. This step is necessary so you would know when to start using weaker or stronger nicotine pouches to get the “ high” without the health hazards. The obstacles of this step may be that some of the changes may be attributed to other factors (work, family problems). This is the best way because everyone reacts to nicotine differently and only by knowing and noticing your body’s reactions you can make choice suitable for you.

What is the Definition of Nicotine Strength?

Nicotine strength is defined as concentration of the nicotine in the nicotine pouch. Nicotine strength mg/g shows how much nicotine (milligrams) is in one gram of product. Nicotine strength is also given according to how much nicotine is in one pouch mg/pouch. For calculating how much nicotine is in one pouch, you can use the formula:

The weight of one pouch (g) * the nicotine content (mg/g) =    X mg of nicotine per pouch

For Velo Ice Cool Strong (14mg/g) it is:

0,7 g * 14 mg/g= 9.8 mg

But keep in mind that is not the nicotine amount that will be absorbed from the nicotine pouch, only about 10-20% of the nicotine content is absorbed.

What is the Importance of Choosing the Right Nicotine Strength?

The importance of choosing the right nicotine strength is that it helps you get the best experience. You have to take in mind your habits (heavy smoker, never smoked) when choosing the right nicotine strength and base your decision on that. The strength of nicotine should be strong enough to help you move from smoking to a healthier habit but not too strong to cause a stronger addiction to nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive substance and should be consumed with that in mind. Snusboss offers information to help you choose the perfect nicotine pouches from our website.

What are the Different Levels of Nicotine Strength?

The different levels of nicotine strength are divided into 5 categories which are all represented at Ultra Max –  highest level (18+ mg/g of nicotine ( max 60mg/g)), extra strong- for experts (11-17mg/g of nicotine), strong – average level (7-11mg/g of nicotine), normal- for beginners (3-7 mg/g of nicotine) and extra light/light- for quitting ( 0-3mg/g of nicotine). Read more about nicotine strength.

What is the Highest Level of Nicotine Strength?

The highest level of nicotine strength is ultra max, it is 18+ mg/g. The strongest nicotine pouch is 60 mg/g and that level nicotine pouches can be purchased from Snusboss. But keep in mind that this is not the amount that is in one pouch, that needs to be calculated and then only about 10-20% of it is absorbed into the body. There are no higher nicotine pouches due to the danger of nicotine poisoning. Nicotine level of 60 mg is considered lethal in textbooks. The highest level of nicotine strength pouches is represented with a massive selection and cheap prices on Snusboss.

What is the Average Nicotine Strength?

 The average level of nicotine is 7-11 mg/g. It is considered as an average level because it responds to the average smoker’s (up to 10 cigarettes a day) level of nicotine intake. It is the most widely consumed nicotine strength of nicotine pouches. Snusboss offers an outstanding selection of nicotine pouches for minimal prices.

What is the Right Nicotine Strength for Beginners?

The right strength for beginners is 3-7 mg/g. It is considered as the right strength for beginners because it gives you the “high” while avoiding the higher and more addictive levels. Here at Snusboss you can browse through the best selection of nicotine pouches for beginners and the prices are cheaper than cheap.

What is the Right Nicotine Strength for Experts?

The right strength for experts is 11-17 mg/g. It is considered as the right strength for experts because their body’s have a bigger tolerance to nicotine so they need bigger numbers to still get the “high”. At the same time the level needs to be kept as low as possible to avoid health threats. Snusboss offers an outstanding selection of nicotine pouches for experts with huge discounts.

How can I Reduce Nicotine Level?

Listed below are the steps on how to reduce nicotine level. 

  1. First, drink lots of water, that will flush the nicotine out of your system.
  2. Second, exercise, that will speed up your metabolism to clear your body from nicotine faster.
  3. Third, eat food rich in antioxidants to help your body recover from nicotine impact faster.

Read more about how can I reduce nicotine level.

How to Determine Nicotine Strength?

Listed below are the steps on how to determine nicotine strength.

  1. First, calculate the amount of nicotine in one pouch.
  2. Second, see if there are factors that influence perceived strength (some flavors and size).
  3. Third, order nicotine pouches from Snusboss because we have the best selection with excellent prices. 
  4. Fourth, enjoy the nicotine pouch and see if it is the right strength for you.
  5. Fifth, reorder from Snusboss the same nicotine pouches or if necessary get stronger or weaker ones.

Read more about understanding nicotine strength.

How to Observe the Change in Nicotine Level?

When you are observing the changes in nicotine levels then make sure that you do not increase or decrease the nicotine levels too drastically (more than 25% of a change in mg/g). You need to pay attention to your body to notice the changes that let you know if your nicotine levels are too high or too low. When you notice that you are craving nicotine more often then you might want to start using a bit stronger pouches. The best selection for pouches with different strengths is on When you notice any of the following symptoms, then you should start using nicotine pouches with lower strength (sweet selection @snusboss): lightheadedness, headaches, sleep disturbances, irritability, dizziness, muscular pain or tremors, high insulin levels, insulin resistance, joint pain, heartburn, dry mouth or increased heart rate or blood pressure.

How does Nicotine Affect the Body?

Nicotine affects the body in two ways by making it more alert (stimulant) and relieving the feeling of anxiety and panic at the same time. When nicotine is consumed it produces a short-term surge of endorphins in the reward circuits of the brain that causes a slight, brief euphoria, the “high”. Nicotine is addictive, it is the type of drug that makes your brain feel good while consuming it and that makes you want to use it again. Nicotine is a short-lived drug so it can lead to a cycle of constant use to relieve the feeling of “high”. Repeated usage changes your body’s sensitivity to dopamine and leads to changes in other brain circuits connected with learning, stress, and self-control. The more you use the nicotine the bigger the dosages will get for getting the same feeling as in the beginning, a person will constantly need a bigger dose.

Read more about nicotine

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