Juice Head was one of the first online retailers to sell vape juices, particularly with fresh, fruity flavors. Since 2022, the brand has expanded its product lineup to include nicotine pouches with similar aromas. 

While they’re not as popular as ZYN or Velo yet, Juice Head nicopods have quickly amassed a niche following—especially among existing customers looking for a healthier alternative to vaping and smoking.

This guide explores the most popular Juice Head flavors and shows you how to properly take nicopods for maximum safety and enjoyment.

  • Zyn Citrus Mini nicotine pouches

    Zyn Citrus Mini

  • Zyn Cool Mint Mini nicotine pouches

    Zyn Cool Mint Extra Strong

  • Zyn Espressino Mini nicotine pouches

    Zyn Espressino Extra Strong Mini Dry

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.39
    20 - 29 $4.29
    30 + $4.09
  • Zyn Mini Dry Cool Mint 3 Nicotine Pouches

    Zyn Mini Dry Cool Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.39
    20 - 29 $4.29
    30 + $4.09

Best Juice Head Flavors—A Quick Overview

The brand offers five nicotine pouch flavors, familiar to anyone who has used other Juice Head products:

  1. Blueberry Lemon Mint
  2. Mango Strawberry Mint
  3. Watermelon Strawberry Mint
  4. Peach Pineapple Mint
  5. Raspberry Lemonade Mint

While these aromas have previously been used in Juice Head’s e-liquids and disposable vapes, the company’s nicotine pouches are its only product that combines fruity flavors with a minty undertone. 

Juice Head isn’t the first nicopod manufacturer to combine the two—the sharpness of the mint does a great job of balancing the natural sweetness of the fruit, resulting in a smooth but stimulating taste perfect for a nicotine product. 

What’s different is that Juice Head is one of the rare brands that puts the fruit aroma to the forefront—the others mostly let mint dominate their flavor profiles. Before trying any of the five Juice Head products, bear in mind that they’re sweeter than the average fruit-flavored nicotine pouch. 

Despite their sweet taste, all Juice Head pouches have substantial amounts of nicotine, making them potentially unsuitable for newbies—even 6 mg per pouch delivers a strong kick. One Juice Head pack contains 20 pouches, but avid users can also order a five-pack sleeve.

Before explaining how to take the pouches responsibly, we’ll examine each Juice Head flavor to help you choose the right one. 

Blueberry Lemon Mint

Source: Juice Head

Like the brand’s other nicopods, this flavor profile blends two fruits and mint. A few unique traits make it worth trying, even if you’re not a particular fan of fruity nicotine pouches:

  • The zestiness of the lemon elevates the freshness of the mint
  • The blueberry taste isn’t too sweet 

All three aspects of the aroma balance each other out well, although the result is still more acidic than the other four flavors. 

Mango Strawberry Mint

Source: Juice Head

While this flavor still uses mint to balance the overall taste, you should expect a lot more sweetness here. In nature, mango is one of the sweetest fruits due to its high sugar content, and it’s the dominant aroma in this nicotine pouch. 

The strawberry is noticeable but more as an aftertaste. Without the freshness of the mint, the combination would be too sweet, but its icy taste is there to bring a bit of an edge to this tropical cocktail. 

Watermelon Strawberry Mint

Source: Juice Head

Our next option is another Juice Head flavor in which strawberry plays a secondary role to the main source of fruity sweetness—watermelon. While both fruits are sweet, their aromas have subtle differences.

The watermelon’s mellow sweetness pairs well with the more tart, brighter taste of strawberry. Still, the resulting flavor profile would be a bit one-dimensional without a touch of mint, which brings some much-needed herbal complexity to the mix. 

While all nicotine pouches use artificial sweeteners, it’s worth pointing out that this flavor is more authentic than most. It isn’t surprising, considering Juice Head had years to perfect these flavors in their e-liquids and disposable vapes before entering the nicopod market. 

  • Kurwa Fatality Cola Whisky

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kurwa Fatality Tropical Cocktail

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kurwa Fatality Brutal Energy Drink

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kurwa Fatality Apple Energy

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50

Peach Pineapple Mint

Source: Juice Head

In this flavor, the juicy sweetness of peaches provides a smooth base for the two remaining flavors—although its taste resembles peach candy more than the actual fruit. 

The pineapple plays a supporting role in the peach aroma. While its natural taste can be both sweet and tangy, this particular variety of artificial flavors leans more to the former. There’s not much acidity to the taste, even with the addition of mint and the buzz provided by the nicotine. 

If you enjoy a zestier fruit aroma, consider another Juice Head nicotine pouch or an alternative brand. The mint provides a refreshing background note here, but it takes a backseat to the two intensely sweet main flavors. 

Raspberry Lemonade Mint

Source: Juice Head

The final Juice Head flavor we’ll cover is also one of the brand’s boldest and most intense nicopods. While its nicotine kick is slow and gradual, the Raspberry Lemonade Mint flavor will energize and refresh you almost instantly. 

Unlike the previous four flavor profiles, this one doesn’t use an overwhelmingly sweet fruit as the base aroma. The raspberry taste provides some sweetness, but its predominant note is sour—less like raspberry jam and more like the natural berry. 

Compared to the Blueberry Lemon Mint, the citrus zestiness is far more subdued here, which is probably the reason why this flavor was marketed as “lemonade” instead of “lemon.” Still, the addition of mint on top of the two already fresh aromas makes this one of the crispiest and most vibrant pouches on this list. 

How To Use Juice Head Pouches Safely

Once you’ve chosen a suitable flavor, follow these instructions to take a Juice Head pouch safely:

  1. Take one pouch out of the pack
  2. Place it in your mouth, under your upper lip and gums
  3. Leave the pouch there for about 30 minutes
  4. Remove the used nicopod and dispose of it

Nicotine pouches don’t contain tobacco, removing the danger of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs)—carcinogens present in all tobacco products. They’re also a safer option than vaping because they don’t carry the same risks of respiratory illnesses. That being said, you should still use them with care. Always keep the following safety precautions in mind:

  • Take only one pouch at a time—multiple nicopods increase the risk of a nicotine overdose and irritated gums, so manufacturers never recommend using more than one simultaneously
  • Don’t suck on the pouch—once you place a pouch in your mouth, your mucosa will start gradually absorbing the nicotine. Sucking or chewing the pouch won’t release more nicotine, but you could accidentally puncture the pouch and ingest the substance directly, leading to heartburn or nicotine poisoning 
  • Take a break between pouches—always leave at least an hour or two between pouches to prevent a nicotine overdose. If you feel like you’re not getting enough nicotine, try a stronger product instead
  • Choose the right strength—pouches come in multiple strengths, so choose the one that suits your current nicotine tolerance. Don’t pick a stronger version of a pouch solely for the taste. Each Juice Head product has an equally potent flavor, regardless of its nicotine content

How Strong Are Juice Head Flavors?

Each flavor is available in two strength varieties:

  1. 6 mg of nicotine per pouch 
  2. 12 mg of nicotine per pouch

To put this in perspective, we’ll compare the nicotine content of a Juice Head pouch with cigarettes:

Product Nicotine contentAbsorbed amount of nicotine
Cigarette12 mg on averageUp to 2 mg per cigarette
Juice Head nicotine pouch6 mg or 12 mg2 mg per pouch or 4 mg per pouch

Comparing both products with e-juice is more difficult since the amount of nicotine delivered via vapes varies depending on multiple factors, such as: 

  • Puffing style
  • Individual metabolism
  • Specific vaping device

Still, it’s clear that the lower-strength Juice Head variety provides an amount of nicotine equivalent to one cigarette, while the 12 mg pouch delivers 100% more.  

This makes the 6 mg pouch a reasonable choice for the average nicotine consumer with some tolerance—the 12 mg variety is only advisable for seasoned users with high tolerance levels. 

Regardless of how experienced you are, starting with milder pouches is the smart way to go. You can switch to a stronger nicopod if the buzz turns out to be insufficient. 

Unfortunately, Juice Head doesn’t provide more options that would allow users to gradually increase their nicotine content—the difference between the two available levels may be too steep. 

For more flexibility and non-fruity flavors, consider other white snus brands. 

  • Kozmo Berry Freak nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Berry Freak

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Extreme Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Fatal Freeze Nicotine Pouches

    Kozmo Fatal Freeze

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Mango Twist nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Mango Twist

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50

Where To Find Juice Head Alternatives

Nicotine pouches are relatively new to the U.S. market, which has been slow to develop due to the regulatory limitations on nicotine products treated as tobacco derivatives in the States. 

In comparison, the relevant laws in EU countries are more progressive—allowing their brands to experiment with nicopod recipes and perfect their products. 

Luckily, you can find many popular EU brands in U.S.-based online stores. Many offer more flavors and options in terms of nicotine content than American brands like Juice Head. 

You should only buy at trustworthy online stores with an established reputation to avoid getting unsafe nicopods of suspicious quality made by dodgy manufacturers. 

SnusBoss is an online retailer dedicated to bringing only top-shelf nicopods from the EU. The store is operated by industry experts with plenty of experience in the industry. 

Numerous quality brands are available at SnusBoss, including:

VeloSkrufWhite Fox Pablo

SnusBoss helps you save money by offering free shipping and discounts for larger orders. If you’re eager to try out your new pouches, there’s also an express delivery option that only takes 2-3 days. 

Featured image source: Juice Head