Hair loss (or alopecia) is distressing for anyone who experiences it. It can affect one’s self-confidence, overall appearance, and mental well-being. Hair loss has many potential causes—but do nicotine pouches cause hair loss

While the connection between smoking and hair loss is known, the link between nicotine pouches and hair loss is not as clear. Read our guide to discover whether there is a correlation between the use of nicotine pouches and hair loss and what to do to maintain healthy hair while taking nicopods.

  • Snatch Frozen Ultra Strong 30mg nicotine pouches

    Snatch Frozen Ultra Strong

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.40
    20 - 29 $3.30
    30 + $3.10
  • Snatch Arctic Mint Strong nicotine pouches

    Snatch Arctic Mint Strong

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.40
    20 - 29 $3.30
    30 + $3.10
  • Snatch Citrus Strong nicotine pouches

    Snatch Citrus Strong

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.40
    20 - 29 $3.30
    30 + $3.10
  • Snatch Frozen Strong 16mg

    Snatch Frozen Strong

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.40
    20 - 29 $3.30
    30 + $3.10

Can Nicotine Pouches Cause Hair Loss?

Currently, no scientific evidence directly links nicotine pouches to hair loss. Still, studies exist on the connection between other nicotine-based products and hair loss. For example, a 2020 study compared the rise of early-onset alopecia in male nonsmokers and smokers aged 20–35. Findings show that nicotine and other chemicals in tobacco smoke can contribute to hair loss, but more research is needed to determine how. 

Nicotine and Hair Loss—What Is the Connection?

Nicotine causes blood vessels to narrow, which cuts off oxygen supply to hair follicles. This starves and weakens the hair, leading to thinning and, eventually, hair loss.

Other ways nicotine contributes to hair loss include:

  • Oxidative stress—A condition that occurs when your body can’t neutralize free radicals (unstable atoms that damage cells), which then causes damage to cells, including hair follicles
  • Inflammation—When absorbed, nicotine can trigger an inflammatory response that affects the scalp. This can damage hair follicles and cause the hair to become brittle 
  • Altered pH levels—Nicotine’s alkaline pH can disrupt the scalp’s acidic pH, which can lead to hair dryness, itchiness, and dandruff 

Can the Hair Lost Because of Nicotine Use Grow Back?

Nicotine-induced hair loss can be reversed if you quit using nicotine products. In some cases, hair may regrow a few months after discontinuing nicotine use. In others, hair loss can be permanent. For personalized prevention advice and hair loss treatment, it’s best to consult a dermatologist.

How Does Hair Loss Occur?

Source: kalhh

Hair loss happens when the hair growth cycle is disrupted. The cycle consists of four phases:

  1. Anagen
  2. Catagen
  3. Telogen
  4. Exogen


This is the active growing phase during which the hair follicle produces new hair. It’s the longest phase, lasting from two to eight years. A strand of hair grows about one centimeter every 28 days. Genetics determine the amount of time your hair spends in the anagen phase. The longer the active phase, the longer your hair will grow.


It’s a transitional phase that lasts for two weeks. The hair follicle shrinks and detaches from the blood supply, stopping hair growth. Only about 5% of your hair is in this phase at any given time.


The telogen or resting phase lasts about two to three months. Hair doesn’t grow at this stage, but it doesn’t fall out either. Instead, it stays attached to the hair follicle while new hair forms underneath. About 9% of your hair is in this phase at any given time.


Sometimes considered part of telogen, the last phase of hair growth is exogen. During it, new hair pushes out the old hair you shed, completing the cycle. In this phase, people shed from 50 to 100 hairs a day.

If something disrupts this cycle, it can lead to excessive shedding and hair loss. Nicotine, for instance, can prolong the telogen and potentially shorten the anagen phase, leading to hair thinning and loss.

Since hair loss occurs gradually, there are levels or grades to it. The Norwood classification scale measures the severity of male pattern baldness and classifies it into different grades, presented in the table below:

GradeHair Loss Pattern
1No significant hair loss. The hairline is intact with no recession
2There is a slight recession of the hairline at the temples
3Hair loss is significant with a deep recession at the temples. The hairline takes the characteristic letters M, U, or V shape
4Little or no hair along the vertex (top middle of your head), with substantial hair loss at the temples and crown. A thin line of hair separates the two areas
5The band of hair separating the vertex and the temples is narrower. The hair loss at the temples and crown is more extensive
6The band of hair separating the vertex and the temples disappears, leaving a large bald spot on the top of your head
7Only a horseshoe-shaped band of hair remains, running from one side of the head to the other, passing behind the ears
  • Kozmo Berry Freak nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Berry Freak

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo X-Extreme Nicotine Pouches

    Kozmo X-Extreme

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Extreme Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Mango Twist nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Mango Twist

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50

Tips To Prevent Hair Loss While Using Nicotine Pouches

Source: slavoljubovski

While there is no definitive proof that nicotine pouches cause hair loss, they still contain nicotine, a potential contributor to the issue. If you use nicopods, you can minimize the risk of hair loss by following these tips:

Practice moderationOveruse of nicopods can raise nicotine levels and increase the risk of hair loss. Stick to the recommended daily limit and take breaks (1–2 hours) between each pouch
Stay hydratedWater can help flush out toxins from your body, nicotine included. Drink enough of it to improve blood circulation and support healthy hair growth 
Eat a balanced dietA diet rich in protein, iron, and vitamins can promote healthy hair growth. Include foods like eggs, spinach, nuts, and fish in your meals

Here’s an extra tip—only use high-quality nicotine pouches. Taking the products made according to the highest quality standards equals a safe and smooth nicopod experience.

Where To Get Quality Nicopods

Source: SnusBoss

For premium nicotine pouches, visit SnusBoss—the industry experts behind the store source nicotine pouches from leading EU brands. European nicopods come in various flavors and offer a stronger kick than American ones, which is exactly why SnusBoss stocks them. The FDA has blocked the development of numerous oral nicotine products by classifying them as smokeless tobacco even though they don’t contain actual tobacco leaves, stems, or dust.

For the ultimate nicotine experience devoid of most harmful substances from tobacco, head over to SnusBoss to explore this impressive lineup of EU nicopods, such as:

  1. ZYN
  2. Velo
  3. Killa
  4. White Fox
  5. Hit
  6. Dope
  7. Klint
  8. Skruf
  9. Thunder
  10. Snatch
  11. Kozmo
  12. Pablo
  13. Kurwa
  14. Chapo
  15. GOAT
  16. Jäger
  17. Oryx
  18. Pik
  19. Denssi
  20. Glitch
  21. Kick
  22. Siberia
  23. Roger
  24. Paz
  25. Thor

To place an order:

  1. Visit the online store
  2. Choose your favorite brand, strength, and flavor
  3. Fill out your shipping and payment details

With express shipping, you will receive your package within two to three days. SnusBoss also offers free shipping on orders above $249, as well as numerous promotions and discounts. 

Although nicopods carry fewer health risks than traditional tobacco products, you should still avoid them if you’re under 21, pregnant, breastfeeding, or have cardiovascular problems. Skip them if you haven’t used nicotine products before because nicotine is highly addictive and can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if you choose to stop using the products.

Treatment Options for Nicotine-Induced Hair Loss

Source: Towfiqu barbhuiya

If your hair loss is severe, a dermatologist may recommend one of the following treatments:

  • Minoxidil—An over-the-counter medication that stimulates hair regrowth. It can take up to four months to show its effects
  • Finasteride—A prescription medication that blocks dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone responsible for hair loss
  • Essential oils—Extracted from plants, they promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation, strengthening hair follicles, and reducing inflammation
  • Onion juice—Rich in sulfur, it can promote hair growth and prevent breakage
  • Low-level laser therapy—A non-invasive treatment that uses red light to stimulate epidermal stem cells and promote hair growth
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy—A procedure that includes injecting your blood into your scalp to boost hair growth 
  • Hair transplant—A surgical procedure during which plugs of healthy hair are taken from a thick area and transplanted to bald spots

You can also support hair regrowth through: 

  • Regular exercise—Work out at least 30 minutes a day to improve blood circulation. It’s crucial for delivering oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles
  • Balanced diet—Consume enough protein, vitamins (especially biotin and vitamin D), and minerals like iron and zinc to support healthy hair growth
  • Stress management—High levels of stress and anxiety can lead to hair loss. Engage in activities that help you relax, including meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature
  • Practice good scalp hygiene—Avoid harsh chemicals, excessive heat styling, and tight hairstyles that can damage your hair follicles. Use gentle hair products and opt for natural, sulfate-free options
  • Roger Cherry Nicotine Pouches

    Roger Cherry

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.79
    20 - 29 $3.69
    30 + $3.49
  • Roger Apple Mint Nicotine Pouches

    Roger Apple Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.79
    20 - 29 $3.69
    30 + $3.49
  • Roger Mango Mint Nicotine Pouches

    Roger Mango Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.79
    20 - 29 $3.69
    30 + $3.49
  • Roger Fresh Mint Nicotine Pouches

    Roger Fresh Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.79
    20 - 29 $3.69
    30 + $3.49

Other Causes of Hair Loss

While nicotine use can contribute to hair loss, other factors can also lead to hair thinning and balding. These include:

  1. Age—Our hair naturally becomes thinner and more prone to shedding as we age. This is due to changes in hormones and the natural aging process of hair follicles
  2. Genetics—Hair loss can be hereditary. If your family has a history of male or female pattern baldness, you may be more prone to it
  3. Hormonal imbalances—Fluctuations in hormones can affect hair growth. Conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid disorders can cause hormonal changes that contribute to hair loss
  4. Medical conditions—Certain medical conditions, such as alopecia areata, scalp infections, and autoimmune diseases, affect the hair follicles and can lead to hair loss
  5. Medications—Some medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, and blood thinners, can cause hair loss as a side effect
  6. Nutritional deficiencies—Lack of essential vitamins and minerals, such as iron, biotin, and vitamin D, can lead to hair loss

It’s essential to identify the underlying cause of hair loss before trying any treatment options. Consult a dermatologist to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Featured image source: Towfiqu barbhuiya

  • Zyn Mini Dry Cool Mint 3 Nicotine Pouches

    Zyn Mini Dry Cool Mint

  • Zyn Mini Dry Citrus 3 mg Nicotine Pouches

    Zyn Mini Dry Citrus

  • Killa Pineapple nicotine pouches

    Killa Pineapple

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Zyn Espressino Mini nicotine pouches

    Zyn Espressino Mini Dry

  • White Fox Peppered Mint Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Peppered Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • Zyn Espressino Mini nicotine pouches

    Zyn Espressino Extra Strong Mini Dry

  • White Fox Double Mint Slim Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Double Mint Slim

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • White Fox Double Mint Slim Soft Pack Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Double Mint Slim Soft Pack

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.39
    20 - 29 $3.29
    30 + $3.09