Have you found an old can of Velo pouches safely tucked away in the back of your drawer, and you aren’t sure if they’re still safe to use? You’re not alone—this is a common issue, particularly among new or inexperienced nicopod users.

But don’t worry—this expert guide answers all questions about the shelf-life and safe usage of your favorite nicotine pouch brand, such as:

  • How to read the Velo nicotine pouches’ expiration date code?
  • How long do Velo pouches last?
  • Is it safe to consume Velo nicopods after they expire?
  • How should you store Velo nicotine pouches to keep them fresh?
  • VELO Breezy Mango 4 Nicotine Pouches

    VELO Breezy Mango 4

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $5.40
    20 - 29 $5.30
    30 + $5.10

How To Read Velo Pouches’ Expiration Date

The expiration date of nicopods can be displayed in different formats depending on where they were produced or packed, which can confuse users trying to interpret the date.

The following sections show you how to read Velo pouches’ expiration dates and the most common formats manufacturers use to indicate a product’s shelf-life.

What Are Open Codes?

Open date codes are used to indicate the time frame within which the pouches can be consumed while maintaining their quality and freshness. The most common example of an open code is the ‘best before’ label accompanied by the corresponding date.

Since ‘best before’ dates are optional for many consumer products, not all Velo cans have an open date code printed on the back.

Making Sense of Different Open Code Formats

In most cases, both the production and best-before date are printed in bold letters on the back of each Velo nicopod can. Velo uses the DD/MM/YYYY format, with the production date typically placed above the best-before date.

For example, a manufacturing date of 21/02/2024 tells us that this Velo can expires on February 21, 2024. So, an American equivalent of the same date code used above would be 02/21/2024, as the U.S. uses the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Interpreting a Closed Date Code

Velo nicopods can sometimes have a closed date code printed on the lid. Each closed code consists of a unique sequence of letters and numbers that users can’t understand easily. 

Still, if you know how to read them, these can be very helpful in identifying a product’s manufacturing date.

Source: Swenico

Here’s an example of a closed date code you may find on a can of Velo nicopods—CJ5132GL3. The last two characters (L3) hold the key to deciphering the manufacturing date. 

This is how to read it:

  • The letters typically denote the month, ranging alphabetically from A (January) to L (December)
  • Next to the letter, you’ll see a number indicating the year of manufacture in ascending sequence

Check out the table below for a detailed overview:

Month CodeMonthYear CodeYear

So, the closed date code CJ5127GL3 tells us that this can of Velo nicotine pouches was manufactured in December 2023.

Understanding Julian Codes

Although rare, some Velo nicopod cans may contain a special code sequence based on the Julian calendar. This code assigns a unique number (from 1 to 365) to each day of the year (1 = January 1st, 365 = December 31st).

Here’s how to read a Julian code on Velo nicopod cans:

  1. Find the three-digit number within the closed date code
  2. Use a Julian date calendar to match the number with the corresponding date (day and month)
  3. Look for any additional numbers after the day that might indicate the year of production

For example, the code V116X23A1 would translate to April 26th (from the 116), with 2023 being the year of production.

How Long Do Velo Pouches Last?

Source: StingFree

An unopened can of Velo nicopods lasts a whole year from the date it was manufactured, which is typical for most nicotine products on the market.

Velo pouches have a long shelf life because they don’t contain any perishable ingredients like tobacco, which gives them an advantage over other smokeless products like dip pouches and snus. Instead, they use only plant-based fibers, food-grade ingredients, and tobacco-derived nicotine to keep you buzzing for hours.

  • Kozmo Berry Freak nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Berry Freak

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo X-Extreme Nicotine Pouches

    Kozmo X-Extreme

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • Kozmo Sicilian Crush nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Sicilian Crush

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50

Is It Safe To Consume Velo Nicopods After They Expire?

The simple answer is—yes, it is. Using expired Velos isn’t unsafe and poses no additional health risks.

The date printed on Velo cans is only a best-before date, not an expiration one. This means that a can of Velo nicopods will maintain its peak quality for a year from the production date, but you can still safely use them after that period

Still, your overall experience with them may not be as enjoyable. Compared to a fresh pouch, a Velo nicopod used after the best-before date gives a weaker hit with less flavor, which can spoil your nicopod sessions.

You’ll know your Velo nicopods have gone past their best-before date if they show the following signs:

  • Reduced potency
  • Diminished flavor 
  • Lower moisture and drier texture of the pouch
  • A gradual change in color, adopting a subtle yellowish hue

How To Use Velo Nicotine Pouches Safely

For a pleasant experience free from side effects, follow these guidelines when using Velo nicotine pouches:

  1. Start with milder Velo pouches and gradually move to stronger ones until you find your sweet spot
  2. Keep track of how many Velos you use per day to avoid any potential risks associated with excessive nicotine consumption
  3. Never use more than one pouch at once. If the one you’re using doesn’t give you the kick you crave, get stronger pouches instead
  4. Never use Velo nicotine pouches one immediately after another—give your body time to process nicotine (1–2 hours)
  5. Never chew, suck, or swallow Velo pouches
  6. Don’t use the same nicopod more than once—they’re designed for single use only
  7. Make sure to drink plenty of liquids between sessions to avoid dehydration
  8. Once you’re done using a pouch, dispose of it properly away from any children and pets 

Don’t use nicotine products if you’re a minor (under 21), pregnant or breastfeeding, or suffer from an underlying cardiovascular illness.

How To Store Velo Nicotine Pouches To Keep Them Fresh

If you don’t store your Velo nicotine pouches correctly, you might considerably shorten their shelf life. Follow our tips for proper storage outlined below to get the most out of your Velo nicopods and keep them fresh for as long as possible.

Keep Your Pouches in a Sealed Can

Don’t open the can unless you’re about to use a pouch. When exposed to air, your Velo nicopods will start to oxidize, making them lose their quality faster. The best way to avoid this is to keep them sealed in their original packaging.

Protect Your Velos From Moisture

Humidity can shorten the shelf life of your Velo nicotine pouches, which is why you should never store pouches in areas area like your bathroom or near the kitchen stove. Humidity can mess with their potency and make them lose flavor more quickly.

Keep Them Away From Direct Sunlight and Heat

Exposing your Velo nicopods to direct sunlight and high temperatures speeds up their aging process. That’s why it’s recommended to keep your pouches in a cool, dark place with a controlled temperature.

Store Velo Pouches in a Refrigerator

For long-lasting freshness and extended shelf life, you should keep your Velo pouches in the fridge. This not only ensures your pouches maintain their flavor and potency over time, but it also comes in handy when you want to store a large supply. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t keep Velo or other nicopods in a freezer.

  • White Fox Peppered Mint Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Peppered Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • White Fox nicotine pouches

    White Fox – Blue

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • White Fox Double Mint Slim Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Double Mint Slim

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • White Fox Full Charge Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Full Charge

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30

Where Can You Get Fresh Velo Nicotine Pouches?

Source: SnusBoss

SnusBoss offers a wide selection of nicotine pouches manufactured in the EU. These pouches provide a premium experience, packed with a more powerful kick, richer flavor, and more moisture, surpassing U.S.-made pouches in every way. The online store is run by a team of industry experts who personally ensure you get the best nicotine pouches on the market.

In case you’re looking to broaden your horizons with some exciting Velo alternatives, SnusBoss offers a wide collection of nicotine pouch bands for you to explore and enjoy, including:

PabloKozmoJägerKurwaWhite Fox

To purchase nicopods from SnusBoss, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Go to the online store
  2. Chose your favorite brand, strength, and flavor
  3. Enter your shipping and payment details

Get your order delivered to your doorstep in 2–3 business days with express delivery. For orders over $249, shipping is free.

Featured image source: Swenico

  • Pik Cool Mint Nicotine Pouches

    Pik Cool Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.39
    20 - 29 $3.29
    30 + $3.09
  • Killa Watermelon nicotine pouches

    Killa Watermelon

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • White Fox Peppered Mint Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Peppered Mint

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • Kozmo Berry Freak nicotine pouches

    Kozmo Berry Freak

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.80
    20 - 29 $3.70
    30 + $3.50
  • VELO Breezy Mango 4 Nicotine Pouches

    VELO Breezy Mango 4

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $5.40
    20 - 29 $5.30
    30 + $5.10
  • White Fox nicotine pouches

    White Fox – Blue

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • White Fox Double Mint Slim Nicotine Pouches

    White Fox Double Mint Slim

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $4.60
    20 - 29 $4.50
    30 + $4.30
  • Dope Ice Mango Crazy Strong nicotine pouche

    Dope Ice Mango Crazy Strong

    Range Price
    10 - 19 $3.40
    20 - 29 $3.30
    30 + $3.10